September 4, 2019

Talented Photographers Who Inspire Me / Bang Images

I’m not one who’s very comfortable talking about myself. I mean, really, in the grand scheme of things, who cares? This isn’t me being self-deprecating; it’s just reality. I know some of you open links to my blog posts and are happy you did, but in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with information, advertisements, damaging visuals, and stunning news; it’s not insulting to me at all if you scroll right past. It’s understandable. But for those of you who are interested and open these posts, I thank you. I’d honestly love to read your comments if you have thoughts about what you see or read here.

I started thinking about talented photographers who inspire me. I try not to fall into the comparison trap, which means I don’t spend a lot of time looking at others’ work. There’s a healthy balance that sometimes feels like walking a thin tightrope. I enjoy art and want to be surrounded by creatives. Feeling inspired is incredible and motivates me to create, but it’s easy to become oversaturated. That’s when I have to take a step back. But as a photographer, who aspires to create artful images, I do draw some inspiration from the talent around me. I’ve been following most of these photographers for years, but there is one I honestly found in the past 24 hours and I’m so blown away by how “spoken to” I feel; I had to include him.


The first photographer in the list of talented photographers who inspire me (and in no certain order) is Cvatik (his Russian name spelled phonetically in English), also known as Steve. This in itself makes me smile. His work is gorgeously surreal. I have a soft spot in my heart for the “weird,” and he totally satisfies my craving.




The next photographer is Jennifer Moher. She is mainly a wedding photographer. She has such a classic editing style but with a keen modern eye. Much of her work is in black-and-white, although you will find some color images as well. I just love her.




Another photographer that got my attention years ago and continues to inspire me with her bold editing style and beautiful portraits is Twyla Jones. She’s based in Florida and often uses the coast as her backdrop. I’m a member of an online group of hers for photographers, and I’m grateful for it.



Sam Hurd is an internationally known wedding photographer, and he’s one of my favorites because of his intelligently composed creations. His distinct style is easy to spot; his work is colorful, mathematical, and wildly interesting. He’s also responsible for the prism craze that many of us photographers have tried a time or two.



This photographer is Nirav Patel, the one I only very recently discovered but fell in love with instantly! I feel like I’ve found my light and shadow chasing twin! I am incredibly impressed with his use of both. There’s such a cinematic quality that I find quite relaxing and pleasant to view. He definitely gives me something to aspire to.



The last photographer in my list is as interesting a person as she is a photographer. I am really intrigued by her drive to create. Within her business she offers everything from workshops, to posing guides and portrait sessions, and even runs a podcast. Yan Palmer (pronounced “can”) is a documentary photographer who produces raw, beautiful, honest images.


I believe the end of summer is a wonderful time for this exercise-researching, viewing, feeling, and writing about talented photographers who inspire me. My busiest season as primarily an outdoor photographer is only days away. It’s been really refreshing to visit and absorb such amazing talent. I’m feeling inspired to get out there and create even more than before!

Once again, please comment below and share your thoughts about the images you see here and the people that inspire you!

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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