December 21, 2018

Outdoor Portrait Session / Birmingham, AL / Abby

FILED IN: Individuals

On this first day of winter, The Winter Solstice of 2018, I can’t help but think about warmer days. As much as I’ve tried to appreciate winter, I’m just much more of a warm weather person. I love swimming, sunny days, and relaxed schedules. I enjoy living in Alabama because we do get to experience all the seasons, but my favorite by far is summer with fall as a close second.

Check out these fun, quirky portraits of Abby. I’m almost as crazy about stripes as I am warm weather. During the first portion of our photo shoot, we decided to take things to the extreme with a striped backdrop and clothing. And believe it or not, these are all outdoor portraits, even the ones with the backdrop. I am primarily a natural light photographer. As a general life rule, I like to keep things simple. This carries over into my work. I set up a backdrop outdoors and we used the early morning light to create these fun portraits.

Afterwards, we traveled a short distance to photograph in a natural area. On-location Sessions can happen just about anywhere! These were taken on small one-lane road just south of Birmingham. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, which was perfect for this outdoor portrait session. Abby was a wonderful subject. Looking through these photographs makes me long for warmer days. Outdoor portrait sessions are my favorite!

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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