I post a lot photos of families with young children. They’re cute, lively, and honestly, most people that hire me to photograph their families are parents of young kids. I also photograph families with older and sometimes grown children. This particular family I’ve known for about fifteen years. I first photographed them almost a decade ago so it’s been neat to watch them evolve.
You may know, I was a teacher for fifteen years before taking the plunge into photography full-time and founding Bang Images. I taught with Joy and Greg, and yes, they taught at the same school. How cool is that! There have been a lot of changes over the last couple of decades though. Joy resigned from teaching the year after I did and started her own catering business called Sorelle. She makes the absolute best cheesecake I’ve ever put in my mouth and now that I’m vegan and gluten-free, I weep for it. (That might be an exaggeration…but then again, maybe it’s not.) And Greg is now the director of the school where we all taught. I have to give them a plug because my love for this sweet school will always be strong, the Creative Montessori School in downtown Homewood.
Take a look at this fall family session and enjoy my perspective as a Birmingham photographer. I present the Smiths.
So if you’re thinking that your family has outgrown the need for family photos, think again! You’re never too old for photographs. Remember, photos are record keepers and story tellers. We all need them! It may be hard to find the time or difficult to get everyone together as kids get older, but you will be glad you did. Scheduling your session is easy; contact me!
To see more families in my portfolio go here. And if you’d like to see families on the blog with those cute, lively ones I described, go here.