October 13, 2020

Birmingham LGBTQ Photographer / Couple’s Session


I couldn’t love this session any more than I do! I styled it based on color. Color theory is something that is fascinating to me and I have gotten very interested in trying to pack a visual punch through utilizing color in my sessions. But that’s definitely not the only reason I love this couple’s session. Gabby and Mekenzie were wonderful and enthusiastic! It helps that they are totally smitten with one another and I think it translates in the photos. Remember, LOVE WINS; it seems to be the one emotion that even if you try, you can’t stop it. And frankly, why would you want to? I am proud to call myself a Birmingham LGBTQ photographer! We started our session near the Birmingham Museum of Art because there is a gorgeous yellow, rusty wall. It’s perplexing because it certainly appears to be cement, but the color looks like rusted metal. Whatever the case, I was drawn to it and since this session, I’ve been back one other time to photograph a bride. I’m hooked!

After we photographed in our first location, we drove to a second, more natural setting. I love having the time to mix up the settings (Session A allows for 2 locations). We shot straight to sunset-pulled the last ounces of light out of the sky and created some interesting portraits. (And there’s no hidden meaning there in the word “interesting;” that’s my way of saying “awesome!”)

If you’d like to see more portraits, please visit my portraits gallery. To view more blog posts of portraits of individuals and couples, please go here.

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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