September 23, 2020

Birmingham, AL, Photographer / Mentoring Announcement

FILED IN: Information

It’s called evolution! It’s something we all have to go through whether we like it or not- in business, in relationships; it’s inevitable. Personally, I like change! I like mixing things up and hitting the refresh button. I’m the one who repaints the rooms in the house once every three-five years, rearranges the furniture, or cuts off all my hair and starts over when I’ve had enough of the same ol’, same ol’.

I recently announced that I am no longer booking weddings and I’m focusing more attention on the portrait and family photography elements of Bang Images. In addition to that surprising news, I’ve made another adjustment, and I’m exhilarated about the direction my business is heading!

I am now offering mentoring to new photographers. How cool is that!

I’ve added a page to my website called “Photographers.” This is where you’ll find the pricing and levels of mentoring described. You can also find links to interesting information, especially, but not exclusively for photographers. I will add new topics as posts are written, so this page will be worth revisiting periodically. (I’m going to give you the overview here, but by all means, visit the page for those nuggets of knowledge!)

On many occasions, I’ve had photographers message me and ask for help in finding a location to shoot, advice on a camera or lens purchase, what to do in a particular lighting situation, or how to interact with families during a family session. I realized after answering many of these questions that I’m prepared to add another aspect to my business. These things helped me reach a decision I’m pretty excited about! I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in photography. I taught school for fifteen years. I have been practicing photography for over twenty years. I’ve had my own business for over five years. And last, but definitely not least, I really enjoy helping others!

I think strong women enable strong women, and I think it’s better to lift someone up than hold them back. You may choose one or a combination of mentoring levels. Level Five includes all levels with a price reduction, so there’s a little incentive to choose the fifth level!

The mentoring opportunities are these:

  • Portfolio review
  • Website review
  • The business of photography
  • Live shoot with your choice of subject or subjects (provided for you)
  • Combo of all levels


I think this is a chance for growth for everyone involved and I’m really looking forward to booking that first mentoring client. If you’re the first, you, my friend, will receive a gift that no one else will! Presumably this would be someone just starting out in photography, but I’m not opposed to working with someone who is an established photographer and is interested in the experience.

Or maybe you’d like to photograph a family?

Or maybe a couple’s session interests you more?

I’m ready to meet you at your level, wherever that may be. Let’s schedule your mentoring session. Contact me.

Remember, if you’re the first person to sign up for a mentoring session, whether it’s one level or multiple levels, you’ll get a gift-a thank you for helping me kick off this new adventure!

Follow @BangImages on Instagram to see frequent posts and reels.

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