February 10, 2019

Birmingham At-Home Family Session / The Keels

FILED IN: Families

You would never know by looking at the photos that they were photographed at someone’s home. When you think of an At-home Session, you may think of indoor photographs showcasing your life and your home. That’s what comes to mind naturally, but I am flexible! We decided to shoot outdoors because they have such a wonderful outdoor space that is so rich and green even in November!  Even if your kids are getting big, it can create great laughs to pick them up! I’ve known the Keels a very long time and these girls are S I L L Y with so much personality! Our photography sessions usually happen in a whirlwind of activity, jumping, running, and even a little falling down. It’s always fun and the photos really share their real personalities.
Their family dog was fantastic! Just look at how she sat still and even looked at the camera! When including family pets, I hope for the best but plan for the worst. It adds a lot of excitement to a photo session; that’s for sure! Kona was so well-behaved and seemed happy to be included.  Isn’t that little gap the cutest thing you’ve seen in a while! And she smiles all the time just like her mama!
It wouldn’t be a Keel family session without one of these! We should all laugh at ourselves a little more. It was a relaxed, playful family photo session; maybe more so because it was at their home. That’s certainly something to consider when planning your photography session. If you feel like you’d be more comfortable in your own space, invite me to your home and let’s document your here and now.

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