October 3, 2018

The Beales / Outdoor Family Session / Birmingham, AL

FILED IN: Families

The Beale family really won me over right from the beginning!  As you can see, they brought their family pet, which I’m always a little hesitant about. It’s been my experience that animals are somewhat unpredictable and in photographs they can be a challenge; but as you can also see, this animal was so calm and cooperative!

The lively little ones jumped out of their car ready to GO GO GO! It only took a moment for them to warm up to the camera and engage with me. The older of the two girls had many questions; one made me laugh. She wanted to know why I was holding a step stool. I explained that I take it to every session because I’m so short and if we pause to take a posed photo, I don’t want to be looking up anyone’s noses. I think she got a kick out of that.

We took a posed family photo, prompted by her; but the rest of the time, the family played and interacted naturally. IT WAS WONDERFUL!

They tickled, played airplane, rode on Dad’s shoulders, jumped, and ran into their parents’ arms. Being in Alabama, you can imagine it was a teensy bit humid. All this playing made us noticeably hot but so worth it for the photos!

Outdoor lifestyle family photography is so much fun! It really is a lovely break; it’s a chance to get outdoors and spend time together without life’s daily interruptions. For one to two hours, depending on the length of time you want to schedule, you spend time with your family away from your phones, computers, and household chores, and just get lost in one another.

I feel like family photo sessions are a great time to reconnect with each other. It’s refreshing! And in the end, you’ll have a beautiful, honest documentation of your family! There will never be another now.

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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