July 12, 2018

A Mother and Her Children

FILED IN: Families

This is such a special family. This sweet big sister couldn’t get enough hugs from her five month-old, squishy brother and their mother is sitting back taking it all in. It’s probably one of the hardest things to do as a mom-to live in and absorb the moment.

We moms have to remind ourselves to relax. It’s not because we’re unhappy or not able to enjoy the people in our lives; it’s because we’re always on. Most of us take this parenting job very seriously and when I say we’re on, if you’re a mom too, you know exactly what I mean.

Moms are largely responsible for the lives of some of the most important people in the world to us. Take these moments for example. This mom obviously loves her children and she’s genuinely happy, but she’s also probably thinking about a dozen other things:

  • I wonder if they’re getting too hot?
  • Did I remember bug spray?
  • He’s heavy; I hope she doesn’t drop him.
  • I need to check his diaper.
  • It’s almost 10:00; she’ll want a snack soon and it’s nearly time to nurse again.


It really could be any or all of these things woven in and around the observations of how much she loves her children and how happy she is.


You’re doing a good job. Pat yourself on the back and remember to LIVE IN THE MOMENT as often as you can.

And it certainly doesn’t hurt to ask a photographer to help you remember these moments.

These days pass far too quickly.

You’ve probably heard it before, and I’m going to say it again-photography is a record keeping tool. Use it. Sometimes the idea of one more thing may feel overwhelming. You may feel like you don’t have time for a photo session, or the money, or the right clothes, or the ideal place. Trust me though, you’ll be happy you made the time for it and put aside the money. You don’t have to buy new clothes and your photographer will help you decide on a location. Think of it as an hour set aside to play, to be together without the distractions of everyday life. No electronics, no housework, no meetings, no phone calls to return. Just a little time with each other and the person behind the camera.

There won’t ever be another now.

Your children change daily. I know you’ve had this experience, you look at your child for the first time in the morning and you can’t believe how much they’ve grown; it’s as if it happened overnight. Or they spend the weekend with grandparents and when they return home, you’re genuinely surprised that they look a little bigger. They’re growing and changing and it’s important to document them.

Their little lives are so important.

Your lives together are uniquely and beautifully yours.

Photographs act as record keepers that stamp our lives’ passports.


Follow @BangImages on Instagram to see frequent posts and reels.

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