February 23, 2019

Birmingham / Rainy Day Portraits / Kristi

FILED IN: Individuals

If you’re a Birmingham resident, you know how much rain we’ve had over the last few months, particularly in the last week-DAILY rain showers that last most of our waking hours. It’s seems to be getting to everyone, even folks who like rain. One thing I’ve found about extreme weather that I actually like is that it draws people together. As much as I could live without tornadoes, other natural disasters, or this recent constant soaking, I do like the odd feeling of connection it creates among complete strangers. Passing someone on the street, walking in the rain with your umbrella, you can’t help but smile at one another as if to say, “I know! Will this rain ever stooooop?!?”  This beautiful woman is no stranger; we’ve known each other for nearly twenty years! We’ve witnessed A LOT of changes in each others’ lives in twenty years. Marriages, children, college degrees, careers, homes, cars, hair colors, and the list goes on and on.  Kristi is a poet, a very talented writer (sometimes of beautifully descriptive, Southern Gothic style poems). We’ve decided to join forces so-to-speak. We’re collaborating on a project of narrative poems and photographs. When we hit a snag in planning our first session, we decided to set out in the city of Birmingham, determined to create art regardless of the rain. Pizitz Food Hall http://www.thepizitz.com/food-hall/ was a great place to meet. Kristi ordered a smoothie and we oohed and aahed at the incredibly cool window installation by Jennifer Fields https://www.instagram.com/litdeerstudio/ before heading outdoors.
I love the outdoor seating area at Pizitz! If you know me, you know outdoor portraits are my favorite! I keep my eyes open for interesting locations, especially while in downtown Birmingham. I’ve photographed here before and loved it, so I decided to return. We were prepared with our umbrellas, but magically, the rain slacked so we barely used them. Kristi and I had determination on our sides. We had fun and we anticipate rescheduling our first of many poem/photograph collaborations! (One day we may actually have a title for our series.) Photography is good food for my soul. I’m happy to use my camera in just about any situation. Neither rain, nor snow, nor heat, nor gloom of night… what an interesting saying, but yeah, I fully support it!

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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