November 20, 2018

Birmingham Photographer / Black Friday Sale / At-home Sessions

I’ve never physically participated in a Black Friday Sale. I don’t think it’s really in my personality make up to purposefully thrust myself into a crowd, throwing elbows, and grabbing at coveted items all around me. Nah. I do my Black Friday shopping from the comfort of my computer chair with a cup of decaf and a little Spotify in the background. And now BANG Images is giving you an awesome opportunity- a way to enjoy not only shopping from home but also being photographed AT HOME! How cool is that?!? Have you ever thought that you’d like to remember your first family home, but those iPhone photos just aren’t doing it justice? Or maybe you went all out decorating your baby’s room and now it just has to be documented?

Let’s do this! It’s easy. BANG Images will come to you. All you have to do is clean a little and decide what to wear. I can’t help you with the cleaning, but I can direct you to some fun Clothing Ideas graphics . (Use the arrow or just scroll down the page to see them.)

At-home Sessions are fun and low pressure. Children feel comfortable in a familiar area. These are great for families and couples! They can be as intimate and playful as you want them to be. And this is a one-time sale. Prices will be back to normal on 11/27. If you’ve ever thought about a lifestyle photo session at home, now is the perfect time to schedule.

*Locations more than 30 miles from my home in Birmingham, AL, will incur mileage cost of $.55 per mile.

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

Let's be social!

