May 20, 2019

Alabama Portrait Photographer / Spring Session / Ericka

FILED IN: Individuals

It was a gorgeous day, but not the kind of beautiful day you may think of. We were due for a good soaking with rain predicted for three days, which started about an hour after we photographed. It was wonderfully cloudy and really windy-a great combination for photos! The sun made an appearance several times and added some nice contrast. Ericka and I basically played in this awesome field among the wildflowers and created a few pretty cool photographs.

While looking at her smiling face among the wildflowers and all that wonderful hair, I can nearly feel the wind blowing through mine. It’s a hoot getting to photograph people who genuinely enjoy being photographed. Thanks Ericka! I hope we get to do it again sometime!

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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