April 10, 2019

Alabama Photographer / Birmingham Botanical Gardens / Aisha

FILED IN: Individuals

As a primarily outdoor photographer, I depend on the weather. There are times when I have to reschedule shoots or venture indoors. Luckily, on this morning, Aisha and I met at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We were able to photograph outside quite a bit before it started to rain. The BBG has a greenhouse, which they call an observatory and it’s incredibly lush and green. I’m happy to use it whenever needed.
We couldn’t resist these adorable little red, puffballs! I love the pop of color and especially the green and red together. The art nerd in me turned a little cartwheel finding these complementary colors! As a photographer who tends to bump up the saturation in photos, I’m always on the look out for bold color to incorporate in my photography. And I’m especially drawn to things that are different and wouldn’t ordinarily be used in portraits.This gigantic fallen tree with the gorgeous rusty orange dirt clod at the roots was a definite positive addition to the morning.

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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