April 14, 2018

Washburn Family Photo Session in Birmingham

FILED IN: Families

Have you ever me someone who over analyzes everything? If we’ve met, then you know at least one person. I’m not sure why, but I think and rethink the same topic a number of times. One of the things I’ve pondered is the language we use to describe infants. I’ve always found it funny when someone comments about a baby being, “such a good baby.” All babies are good, right? Aren’t they incapable of being anything but? They’re inherently good. So, I’ve reworded my comment when speaking to families and instead I say something more like, “What a happy baby!” I’ll catch myself occasionally falling back into the old, familiar language, but I’m making an effort.

The Washburns contacted me for a family session, anticipating their son growing rapidly, as babies do, and not wanting to let too much time slip by without documenting him. And I’m so glad they did! This is one baby that I found it difficult to not say, “He’s such a good baby!” But, seriously, look at him! He is so expressive, so full of life! That’s one happy baby!

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