Prepare for the Flood!
A flood of Birmingham Pride Parade 2024 photos, that is! I considered choosing my absolute favorites to share, but then decided not to hold back. If I were photographed at a public event, I’d want to see the photo; and this is such a magical, positive, Birmingham event! It’s more fun to share the love and let you see it all! So, this is just about every photo I captured minus the out-of-focus, duplicates, or terribly underexposed ones.
Central Alabama Pride puts on one heck of a parade!

Oh, the Support!
I was really impressed by the amount of support at the Pride Parade this year! Not only was the parade well-attended by parade-goers, but also many businesses and organizations big and small marched: Wal-Mart, Spire, Honda, Tragic City Rollers, UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham), BAO (Birmingham AIDS Outreach), Winn Dixie, Magic City Acceptance Center, Free Mom Hugs, Girls Rock Birmingham, Sidewalk Film Festival, among many others. There was a surprising number of local churches also like St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, First Presbyterian Church, and Covenant Community Church. Even schools got involved like Magic City Acceptance Academy and Alabama Waldorf School.

The Surprises!
Did anyone else see the performer who did an actual headstand on a moving vehicle?!? I didn’t know whether to photograph them or spot them! It was obviously not the first time and probably wasn’t the last. It was impressive and a bit scary!
There was a brief pause in the parade towards the end, but eventually we were pleasantly met with another fifteen minutes of excitement! I’m not sure what happened, but there was a bit of a delay, long enough that some parade-goers got into their cars and drove away! I’m glad we stayed because there was much more to see!

There’s plenty more to see. Keep scrolling!

The Positivity!
While I did see one passionate discussion between someone holding a sign with a lengthy Bible verse and someone there to enjoy the Pride Parade, that was really it-only one negative in a sea of positivity! It was a beautiful night full of laughter and love.

Love Demands Expression!
In the words of Janet Winterson, “Love demands expression. It will not stay still, stay silent, be good, be modest, be seen and not heard, no. It will break out in tongues of praise, the high note that smashes the glass and spills the liquid.”
Please check out a previous Birmingham Pride Parade blog post.
I am a photographer of the LGBTQ+ community. I hope you’ll reach out if you’d like an individual portrait session or a couple’s session, if you plan a wedding, if you’d like family portraits, or have a small event. I’d love to be your photographer! Contact me for information.