June 29, 2021

Birmingham Photographer | Bang Images

FILED IN: Couples

The Quirky Intro:

Bang Images is your Birmingham photographer! There’s nothing like starting off a blog post with a Jedi Mind Trick. You just never know, right? What’s the difference between the Jedi Mind Trick and manifesting your own destiny? I’m sure the line is very thin in this case. (Have I mentioned that a sense of humor is one of the best forms of currency with me? I mean, aside from USD…or honestly, now that I’ve been bitten by the crypto bug, BTC or ETH, or one of the smaller ones, THETA, which I think is going to be huge one day! But, I digress; let’s look at some really sweet couple’s photos taken at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.)


The Couple:

I’ve known Mariah for several years through social media. It was obvious that I’d like her if we ever got to meet. Since you can’t possibly know everything about someone in that capacity, it was a nice surprise to find out how much she laughs! Of course her photos communicate that she enjoys life and many of them show her smiling, but isn’t that just about everyone’s online presence? To meet her and spend time with her was a real treat. Her laughter was one part of her personality that didn’t translate through all the Instagram posts I’d followed over the years. She is truly radiant!

Her fiancĂ©, Gary, is equally charming. I had seen a number of posts including him, but we weren’t following each other on social media so I saw him through Mariah’s eyes. Things I’ve learned about their relationship over the last few years: they have two dogs, really care for one another, enjoy the outdoors, love to travel, and are more adventurous than I am (umm…skydiving). What I didn’t pick up on was how playful their relationship is! These two tirelessly joke with one another. (If I’m being honest, he’s more of the teaser, but she can serve it back too; and it’s all very sweet and lighthearted.) They’re also able to relax and be in the moment, and I think it’s this combo that we all hope for in a relationship. It’s so important to find a comfortable place, settle in, and enjoy the ride.

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The Session:

We met pretty early to try to avoid the heat, humidity, sweat, and pink cheeks that summer photo sessions can bring. The Birmingham Botanical Gardens never disappoints as a beautiful setting. One of their favorite areas is the Japanese Gardens so we spent most of our time there. We also wanted to include one of their favorite things to do together in the session, so we went to a coffee shop. We popped over to Church Street Coffee and Books in Mountain Brook for the second half of their session.

If you’re a Birmingham photographer: Church Street Coffee is a very small coffee shop. If you happen to go during a slower time, you’ll be happy you did. There is a wonderful window at the storefront. There are two chairs there, and Mariah and Gary fit cozily together in one with that beautiful light coming in from the side. You’ll have a decision to make if that area is occupied though, since it really is the best spot for photos. Do you ask if you may use the space, assuming there are other open seats that whomever is occupying the seat(s) could move to? Or, do you take the introvert’s approach and just wait for the seat(s) to become available? What do you think we did? (If you don’t know and would like to, the answer lies within this post, 5 Surprises When I Started My Business.)

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It’s a Wrap for this Birmingham Photographer:

I’d love to talk to you about scheduling your couple’s session. I’m no longer photographing weddings, but from what I can tell, many of you had intimate ceremonies during the pandemic and are now planning receptions/parties and I’m hear for it! We do what we need to do and make the best out of what life has to offer!


Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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