August 27, 2018

Esme’ / Birmingham, Alabama / Rotary Trail

FILED IN: Individuals

Esme’ is without a doubt one of the bubbliest people I know. I’m not sure if I’ve ever even used that word to describe someone before, so maybe she is the bubbly person I know. Whatever the case, this is certain-she’s a breath of fresh air. Really. She smiles when she talks. She’s confident while remaining humble. She floats instead of walks. She’s a joy to photograph!

I’ve photographed Esme’ twice. The first time was in winter and everything was dead, but we didn’t mind. We still went out and took beautiful photos. It was just a bit more challenging!

For our second portrait session, we met in downtown Birmingham at the Rotary Trail. It’s a cool spot for walking, biking, and apparently photography! Thank you, sweet and beautiful Esme’ for another fun photo session!

May you all get to do what you love! It’s a true gift. Being a portrait photographer is something I dreamed about for years, and although I’ve been a photographer for a very long time, getting to turn my passion into my career has been something really special.

Follow @bangimages on Instagram to see frequent posts. And now there's a separate family photography account. I hope you'll follow along!

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